Computer Aided
Person to Person

CappsDATA is an integrated, real-time system which supports the provision of individualized, high quality human services.

CappsData window frames

What is CappsDATA?


CappsDATA grew out of the needs and interests of the people involved in the residential care of vulnerable adults. Clients, who are dependent individuals, may thrive or wither depending upon the services they receive. The collection, management, and dissemination of accurate, relevant information about direct-care performance has become the primary barrier to the satisfactory delivery of individualized human services. CappsDATA has grown out of these concerns. CappsDATA moves all of us closer to realizing the dream of high quality and cost-effective human services for those rendered vulnerable by illness, disability, or age.

What it Does

Planning SVG

Efficient Planning

With CappsDATA, you will be able to maintain a registry-of-persons database. Keeping track of information such as employment status, work schedules and daily planning that requires timely information about when staff is scheduled to perform their direct care duties.

Program SVG

Program Development

CappsDATA enhances active treatment service delivery and works to ensure the gathering and reporting of useful and accurate information for tracking outcomes.

Reports SVG

Health and Data Reports

CappsDATA is capable of generating large amounts of information about execution of tasks and duties and provides efficient viewing of large amounts of information.

Improves quality of service outcomes

CappsDATA was not developed and implemented for demonstration purposes. Nor was it motivated by cost-cutting, but rather, because the governing organization is dedicated to providing the best possible care to the vulnerable individuals in its care.

CappsDATA makes it possible to plan and deliver heavy schedules of reliable, consistent direct-care services even with relatively inexperienced employees. It provides for responsive, ongoing improvement of services by tracking and providing immediate feedback on every relevant detail of service. It maintains and interprets huge amounts of data acquired in real-time by the direct-care staff.


Secure and HIPAA Compliant

CappsDATA was built to be compliant with HIPAA regulations and connects to the internet via a built-in secure VPN.



The CappsDATA patent is no longer pending. As of March 2003, the CappsDATA patent was received and is owned by Alternatives for People with Autism Inc.


Reduces Required Levels of Supervision

CappsDATA directly substitutes for much of the guidance and coordination required in first-level supervision. Each supervisor can comfortably supervise more direct-care employees.


Increased Client Satisfaction

With a more orderly program environment, clients can adapt easier. More importantly, clients’ personal skills increase making it possible for them to do more for themselves while gradually becoming less dependent upon staff services.


Immediate Information

CappsDATA was not developed and implemented for demonstration purposes. Nor was it motivated by cost-cutting, but rather, because the governing organization is dedicated to providing the best possible care to the vulnerable individuals in its care.

day to day

Day to Day Consistency

CappsDATA was not developed and implemented for demonstration purposes. Nor was it motivated by cost-cutting, but rather, because the governing organization is dedicated to providing the best possible care to the vulnerable individuals in its care.

FeaturesCappsDATASimilar Systems
Program DevelopmentX
Health & Data ReportsX

Using CappsDATA

CappsDATA moves all of us closer to realizing the dream of high quality and cost-effective human services for those rendered vulnerable by illness, disability, or age.

Contact a representative now
