Using CappsDATA

Future of CappsDATA

A new version of CappsDATA is currently in the process of being created. CappsDATA 2.0 will be more efficient, have a new look, and will include a couple of new features.

One of the features is ability to access Microsoft Word documents through the CappsDATA program. There will also be an Announcement feature included in the system.

In the future, the next step will include the addition of handheld electronic devices. With these devices, staff will be able to access and use the features of CappsDATA at all times.

CappsDATA Mobile Icon
CappsDATA will be mobile!

Using CappsDATA

CappsDATA moves all of us closer to realizing the dream of high quality and cost-effective human services for those rendered vulnerable by illness, disability, or age.

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